Serialisation - best practices for global commercial supply in an evolving market


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Serialisation requirements are rapidly progressing and evolving in established and developing countries around the world. Having supplied commercial serialisation for a number of years, PCI’s Ian Parsonage, senior director of global serialisation, shares his experiences in developing PCI’s serialisation technology platform along with developing and executing PCI’s strategy for supplying commercial serialised products to domestic and emerging markets across the globe.

Drug counterfeiting is on the rise and regulatory deadlines are approaching fast. The pharmaceutical supply chain will soon be at a critical point to ensure patient safety. From drug manufacturers to distributors, all supply chain partners will need to make crucial decisions to upgrade their production lines in compliance with traceability deadlines.

PCI offers experience and expertise in serialising commercial drug product and has invested significantly in expanding its overall global capacity to support pharmaceutical and biotech clients looking to supply commercial drug products into Europe, the United States, and global emerging markets including China, Brazil, South Korea, Turkey and others.

Established and developing serialisation regulations vary from country to country, and PCI offers insights into meeting country-specific requirements based on its extensive experience in supplying commercial serialised medicines to specific global markets.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the complexities of supplying commercial serialised products to domestic and emerging markets across the globe.
  • Understand the requirements for the fast approaching regulatory deadlines in various countries.
  • Understand the key considerations when choosing an outsourcing partner for implementing a successful serialisation strategy.