Recycled plastics: The State of the Union


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With demand currently outstripping supply, particularly for food grade packaging plastics, many FMCGs, manufacturers and converters are finding sourcing the feedstock they require to hit regulatory and sustainability goals challenging. Sourcing recycled resins in a growing, opaque, and increasingly competitive market has proven to be difficult across the packaging sector. Driven by regulation and consumer pressure, it remains one of the industry’s most pressing challenges.

Hear ICIS industry experts discuss the challenges the plastics market face and the consequences for the sustainability agenda in the market.

Learning Objectives:

  • Suitable for both new entrants and experienced industry professionals looking to advance their understanding of sustainability in the chemicals market
  • Discover current sustainability challenges and hear from analysts and editors directly on the changing landscape of virgin vs recycled plastics
  • Introduction to chemical recycling and the realities of an ideal world