Quality assessment in 3D metal printing for aerospace and medical industries


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During the TCT webinar “Quality assessment in 3D metal Printing for the medical and aerospace industry" two TRUMPF industry managers Matthias Müller and Laura Kastenmayer will share their experience with the highly regulated markets of aerospace & space and medical technology. Both have managed various customer projects from initial contact to machine installation and equipment qualification and know what it takes to be successful in this certified environment.

Although Müller and Kastenmayer are responsible for different industries, they work together on topics that affect both and are critical to success. Knowing the requirements and expectations of these respective markets, they will discuss technical solutions and developments, and share how additive manufacturing can be successfully and easily be integrated in the production of aerospace or medical parts. In addition, they will provide an outlook on where the market is heading, and which technical developments like copper applications could become relevant in the future.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the requirements and expectations of customers in a certified environment
  • Learn about solutions that help to address these challenges
  • Get valuable insight on lessons learned from managing real customer projects